Solar PV (photovoltaic) is a modern technique uses to convert heat energy from sun to electricity energy. Photovoltaic system uses special cells to do this operation. PV cell contains one or two layers of silicon. This Semi-Conducting material receives the light and creates an electrical field across the layers causing electricity to flow.
The amount of produced electricity depends on the intensity of the light. There is a direct relationship between the intensity of the light and electricity. PV systems keep our environment clean because it doesn’t produce greenhouses gasses and each KWP can save 455 Kg of carbon dioxide emissions per year.
We can use this technique for any buildings face the sun within 90 degrees, however one of its minus is its heavy weight. So the roof should be strong enough to hold these devices. Moreover its price depends on the size of system to be installed. The cost can be around 5000-8000$ per KWP. Also solar tiles cost more than planes that are combined into a roof. If one person uses this system, he can save the environment from 1.1 tones of CO2 per year.
In conclusion, this system is suitable for gulf area because the weather is always hot and sunny. Also our governments can support this system because they will save a lot of fuel and reduce electricity cost.
Here a video talks about applying Solar PV in UK
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