Cool cities is a new expression to name the cities which try to be clean by using clean energy sources and all ways which keep their environment clean and reduce the amount of CO2 emissions. This example of cities is starting to apply in different places of the world seeking to fight the global warming effect which threats the humanity. Abu Dhabi was announced before five months about first new cool city in the world supplied with all environmental ways and clean energy sources. However not all adaptations in the cool city can be applied in the UAE. I selected three good adaptations and three bad adaptations according to UAE conditions.
Good adaptations:
· Using hybrid cars.
Actually UAE government tries to replace old cars with hybrid cars especially in Masdar cool city. These cars don’t depend on the fuel and don’t send CO2 gasses. Also their prices are lower than other types of cars.
· Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs.
These bulbs use about 75 percent less energy than standard one and save a lot in electricity costs. These bulbs are very useful and environment’s friend.
· Using solar energy to produce electricity.
Beneficial because our area is always sunny and we can produce a big amount of electricity. Also our government can save its fuel and keep our environment from CO2 emissions.
Bad adaptations:
· Using public transportation.
People in the UAE prefer to use their private car instead of using busses or trains
· Cool city by water misters.
Water supplies in UAE are limited and this system is cost a lot of money.
· Using nuclear energy.
In a way it is dangerous kind of energy and costs a lot of money.
Here is a new video about cool city:
enjoy watching
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