Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rise in number of cars in the world and global warming

The UAE capital is facing a massive increase in vehicular traffic, as a result of a 650 per cent increase in the number of cars from 2001 to 2006. The rise in the number of vehicles is also one of the major causes of traffic jams and accidents. This proplem became a dangerous phenomenon in the world becuase it help to increase the air pollution in cities and therefore spread the global warming.

As we know cars missions poisonous gasses and those gasses effect Ozon layer which protect our world. This Issue needs a real movement from the goverment to reduce the massive number of cars on our roads.
Here is some links related to my subject:


alrumaithy_27 said...

it is un important issue to reduce the pollution

thanks my friend

my best washes

source said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
source said...

Hi Mohamed

nice topic, most of us know that the more car we use, the more pollution we get.

but we have to figure out how to reduce pollution to clean our environment from it.

My regards
Mohamed Al-Saeedi

Maftoon_ad said...

The biggest issur is to reduce the pollution

Its a good Subject keep it up and do ur best :) ......

Mohammed Ahmed Al Alawi

Salem Al Mansouri said...

hi my friend *Al Junabi*

thanks for ur topic .. it's an intresting information ..

how about comment in my site ?

this is my site be confort to comment there.

Desert Fox89 said...

They are all good and about local concerns about the environment and what is beeing done locally to protect the environment.

CHL 174 for the week 4 - 8 May: We will see (finally) 'Inconvenient Truth' and do the summary to post on your blogsites. The next 30% of your grade will deal primarily with the content of your blog and its quality and effectiveness. REad about 'AD's carbon footprint and we'll discuss this point on Tuesday.

Happy blogging...

the Fox

Desert Fox89 said...

Mohammed Hamad:

Looks good, now add the Truth summary and your reviewparts, plus you need to work on your 'Carbon Footprint', maybe another post.

See you in class to finish your reading summary.

the Fox